
We decided to start Waste Warrior Solutions as a way to solve the problem of excessive waste in Cornwall’s hospitality sector. Our niche is sustainability in the context of waste, with the aim to reduce the impact humans have on the environment. We will achieve this through education on waste reduction and pro-environmental behaviour as a pathway to achieve Net Zero.


Reduce waste in Cornwall’s hospitality sector by 40% before the climate clock runs out.

WWS mission is to change the way waste management systems work in Cornwall’s hospitality sector. We want to improve waste management behaviour and facilitate higher rates of pro-environmental behaviour and recycling. Particularly a reduction in levels of food and plastic waste.

Waste Warrior Solutions is targeting hospitality, because 1.1 million tonnes of food is wasted in the UK’s hospitality sector every year, 75% of which could have been eaten (WrapUK, 2018).

We aim to measure the changes and show how sustainable behaviours save money and contribute to a healthier lifestyle.
